
Sunday, March 29, 2015

The fight

May we someday be able to say: The war is over!!!
Finally, peace in the world... 
But while refugees will be preparing to return to their homes, some others will still be vying for the title of winner of the war, as if it had been only a football match. No one will have scored goal in this insane battle, there will be  nothing to celebrate, but a lesson will be left by the episode: the damage that the lack of aim can cause...

In the war of the day-to-day is no different: aim is the key. We have been discouraged, we think that life has no emotion and that in our house no one understands us. We go out to enjoy the night, and then, we meet some guys in a race of motorcycle, some painting graffiti on the walls, some destroying telephone booths and they seem to enjoy themselves so much... We join the group. Fatal error: we have just allied to the enemy...

You are in search of an employment. It seems that not you but you and all the "rest of the world". For such a miracle of life, there are two opportunities to work. One is a stage within the field you want to work in the future. It is to work alongside good professionals, but winning only one allowance. And you will have to work hard. The other proposal is to win three salaries on the payroll, but a branch that does not give you a little chance for professional growth, a place where you will be just a cog in the wheel, easily replaceable. Think about it: you just have one bullet in the needle...

You are more vulnerable than an abandoned bride at the altar. Alone for one year and a half, you have been cuddling with a pillow! 
Then someone comes up... the guy who talks a blue streak, about his own car, his own team, his very amorous adventures, about his own navel... He is not your type, but he is the only one who appeared. You shall take a ride on his ego or stay for some more time alone?...

Marksmanship makes all the difference. Sometimes a target is closer than others and it seems to make things easier. Sometimes a person looks cool but is a camouflage. Sometimes someone moves towards us and before hearing him we shoot him down. Living is having to fight a little bit every day for our happiness. Nobody gets away unharmed with this fight, but it hurts less for who has good sense, diplomacy notions and, especially wisdom, to distinguish the time of attacking and the time to defend himself...

Martha Medeiros

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