
Monday, April 27, 2015


Sometimes it is inevitable to miss someone and many of these times is not worth it. It's someone who has hurt us, someone who lied, that failed. 
He did what was not to be done or simply did not love us as we deserve to be loved... 
As it is inevitable to miss, it is also inevitable waste time with thoughts that should be very far apart. 
And that question in wonder even until thoughts will harass and take the peace to move forward without that feeling, feeling of missing...

Missing who makes us happy  hurts, imagine missing someone who deserves receiving nothing, much less this so good feeling of longing... 
Longing comes and hits us until we get tired, and when we get tired of being beaten  the scar comes and is effective,but while it does not heal, it hurts... It hurts to cry for the lost time, for the hurt we created in who really loves us, and the regret of having given in to this crazy love , having made all these blunders... 
I'm sure it would be better if I  had not met some kind of people, not gone to sites of relationships or to have answered emails or even have heard that charming voice... 
People feel happy to hurt, they hurt our heart smiling, make we cry and leave us and go away in a flash that makes us think we are the ultimate romantic, the last passionate person...

But now it's too late, all is gone and thankfully what remained was the learning. Mistakes are made once, but the second is stupid and this is a lesson, because no one has the right to come to us smiling and then go away leaving us crying and  breathless... 
No one can break a heart that always fought to stay whole, no one has the right to minimize our smile...

That's why I go on always smiling, and pray for who has made me cry one day. I ask God to pity this stupid and unfortunate person, ask God that his own love overflows reaching his '' being '' who does not even know what it is to love himself.

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