
Monday, November 3, 2014

I raffle a heart

I raffle a nearly new heart... 
An idealistic heart. A heart like few others. 
An old-fashioned heart... 
A heart kid who insists on playing pranks on its user... 
I raffle a heart which in reality is a bit worn, a bit calloused, very hurt and that insists on feeding dreams and cultivate illusions... 
Somewhat inconsequential that never gives up believing in people... 
A skittish and precipitate heart that thinks Tim Maia(a brazilian singer) was right when he used to sing:"I do not want money, I want sincere love, that's what I hope" 
An idealist heart... A true dreamer heart... 
I raffle a heart that never learns. That does not harden, and always keeps alive the hope of being happy, being simple and natural. A foolish heart that drives rational, being crazy enough to fall in love... 
A  furious suicide that lives looking for relationships and real emotions... 
I raffle a heart that always insists on making the same mistakes, that fights, and is exposed all the time. That loses its mind completely on behalf of causes and passions. Exits serious and sometimes revise its positions, repentant words and gestures... This heart so often misunderstood. Often provoked. Often impulsive... 
I raffle this emotional unbalanced heart that opens smiles so wide that almost gives the ears to swallow, but that also kicks off tears and makes my face wither... 
A heart to be rented, or used by those who like strong emotions... 
A crazy organ suitable only for those who want to live intensely and contraindicated for those who simply want to go through life, killing time, defending themselves from emotions... 
I raffle such an innocent heart that shows no armor and lets its user deeply mad... 
When this heart stops beating it will hear  its user to say there in the sky on the time of reckoning: "You can check my Lord, I did everything right, I only did wrong when I put sentiment, when I heard this crazy and frolic heart  that insists on not harden and refuses to grow old. 
I raffle a heart, or even trade it with one that has a little more sense. A heart more faithful to its user. 
A heart that does not mistreat its host. 
A heart that is not so inconsequential... 
I raffle a blind, deaf and dumb heart, but that bothers a lot. 
A true hunter of adventures that has not yet been adopted, probably for refusing to cultivate wild airs or rational for not wanting to miss style... 
I raffle a bum heart, no race, no pedigree. A simple human heart... 
A heart of impulsive behavior, and  a bit exceeded,  a flawed model, even being out of the market, makes it a point not to modernize, and occasionally,constrains the body that dominates... 
I raffle an old heart that convinces its user to publish her secrets and her most sacred feelings...

Clarice Lispector

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