
Monday, October 20, 2014

Your own game...

From north to south, from east to west, everyone wants to be happy. It is not an easy task. At first, it would be sufficient to have health, money and love, which is already a commendable package, but our desires are even more complex. 

It is not enough that people are without fever. We want health, to be very thin, healed, irresistible. Money? It is not enough to pay the rent, the food and the film. We want a lap pool, a Louis Vitton purse and a season in a five-star spa. 
What about love? Ah, love ... not just to have someone you can talk, share a pizza and have sex occasionally. This is to think small...
We want to be viscerally passionate, want to be surprised by statements and unexpected gifts. 
We want candlelit dinner from Monday through Sunday. We want wild sex daily and we want to be happy thus and not otherwise. 

That's what you see so much television. Just forget trying to be happy in a more realistic way. Why can we not be happy forming a pair, and not as odd? Having a steady partner is not synonymous with happiness, unless the happiness of being corresponding to the expectations of society, but that is another matter. You can be happy single, happy with some occasional novels, with three partners happy, happy no. There tiny love, especially when it comes to self-love. 

Money is a blessing. Who has need to enjoy it, spend it, enjoy it. Do not waste time gathering, gathering, gathering. Just enough to feel secure, but not imprisoned. And if we have little bit with this is that it will try to hold the wave, trying to leave things for free, like a little humor, a little faith and a little creativity. 

Being happy in a realistic way is to accept the possible and the improbable. 
Doing exercises without aim walkways, work without crave stardom, love without the eternal aim. 
Watch the clock: time to wake up. 
It is important to think the extreme, look inside what moves us, instigates and leads, but not require inhumanly. 
Life is not a game where only those who test their limits is what takes the prize. 
Let's not be naive victims of such competitiveness. 
If the goal is too high, reduce it. If you are not in accordance with the rules, resign yourself. 
Invent your own game.

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